

2018-10-10 17:47:33  点击:


张清和,太阳成tyc33455ccwww特聘教授、博导,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、国家级青年人才、山东省杰出青年基金获得者,太阳成tyc33455ccwww(威海)太阳成tyc33455ccwww副经理、空间科学研究院极区电离层-磁层耦合研究课题组组长(PI)。主要从事极区电离层-磁层耦合动力学过程及其空间天气效应研究。发表学术论文110余篇,其中包括在Science、PNAS、Nature Communications、GRL等上发表的第一或通讯作者论文近50篇,多篇被选为Science, Nature和JGR的研究亮点或封面,曾获赵九章优秀中青年科学奖、空间天气科学青年创新奖、国际无线电联盟(URSI) “青年科学家奖”等。2013年起在太阳成tyc33455ccwww(威海)跨学科组建了电离层-磁层耦合研究团队和学科交叉团队,率团队建立了国家重大基础科技设施子午工程文登空间环境综合观测站、胶东半岛电离层观测网和太阳成tyc33455ccwww威海地磁台,并率队正在研制适用于微小卫星的电离层等离子体探测载荷等。指导研究生获中国国际老员工创新大赛(原“互联网+”大赛)国家金奖和山东省金奖、首届国际空间科学与载荷大赛银奖(金奖空缺)、中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国二等奖等。同时,积极开展国际合作与交流,与美国、英国、挪威、加拿大等众多国家的知名科研机构长期密切合作,正率团队建设中国-加拿大-挪威极区电离层联合观测网等。



➢ 2003.8-2008.11 西安电子科技大学理学院,硕博连读研究生

➢ 2005.3-2008.11 中国极地研究中心,联合培养博士研究生

➢ 学习培训:2005.03-07 北京大学,空间物理基础课程学习

             2006.05 国际理论物理研究中心(意大利),国际空间天气夏季高级培训班


➢ 2013.08-至今 太阳成tyc33455ccwww(威海)太阳成tyc33455ccwww,教授,博导

➢ 2010. 03–2013.08 中国极地研究中心极地大气与空间物理学研究室,副研究员/研究室副主任

➢ 2008. 11–2010. 01 英国卢瑟福阿普尔顿实验室,博士后

➢ 2007. 01–2007. 03 和 2007. 10–2008. 01 中国北极黄河站,越冬科学考察队员


➢ 极区电离层-磁层耦合动力学过程研究

➢ 极区电离层等离子体不均匀体的形成和演化特征研究

➢ 极区电离层离子上行过程研究

➢ 极区电离层空间天气效应研究及建模(电离层闪烁)

➢ 发展适用于微小卫星的电离层等离子体探测技术



坚持磁层和电离层为相互耦合整体的学术思想,以极区电离层不均匀体为切入点,系统性地研究了不同条件下极区电离层不均匀体的物理性质及其与磁层动力学过程的关系等,取得了系列进展。主要创新成果如下:(1)首次在地球极地中高层大气中发现了超强能量注入新现象——“太空台风”,揭示了其形成机理,给出了地球空间能量传输的新途径,成果发表Nature Communications后被《Nature》选为了研究亮点,入选中科院发布的《2022科学发展报告》中2021年中国科研代表性成果20项成果之一;(2)首次完整观测证实了太阳风-磁层能量耦合的理论基石——Dungey循环理论,为近60年日地能量耦合研究方面悬而未决的该科学难题画上了句号,成为了《Science》当期亮点科学论文,入选《基金委资助项目优秀成果选编(六)》是“十二五”地学部25项入选成果之一(空间物理两项成果之一);(3)发现地球粒子上行和逃逸的新源区,指出传统电离层闪烁指数易受对流影响而在高纬不适用并提出改进方法,提升了对地球粒子逃逸和极区通讯、导航、遥感保障的认识。




➢ 国家自然科学杰出青年基金,空间物理学,2024-01至2028-12,在研,主持

➢ 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,极盖区动力学过程及其空间天气影响研究, 2022-01至2026-12,在研,主持

➢ 国家重大基础科技设施,子午工程II期威海文登电离层/中高层大气综合监测站建设项目,2019-01至2023-12,在研,主持

➢ 国家自然科学基金面上项目,极区电离层不均匀体所引起电离层闪烁研究,2019-01至2022-12,已结题,主持

➢ 国家科学技术部,国家高端外国专家引进计划项目,极区电离层-磁层耦合及其空间天气效应研究(加拿大P. T. Jayachandran 教授),2019-03至今,在研,主持

➢ 国家科学技术部,国家高端外国专家引进计划项目,极端空间天气建模及其应用研究(英国Balan Nanan教授),2019-03至今,在研,主持

➢ 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 极盖区等离子体云块所伴随的氧离子上行现象研究,2016-01至2019-12,已结题,主持


➢ 山东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,极区电离层-磁层耦合,2014-12至2017-12, 已结题,主持

➢ 国家自然科学基金面上项目,极区电离层等离子体块的形成机制和演化特征研究,2013-01至2016-12,已结题,主持



➢ 2023年,山东省自然科学二等奖,位次第1;

➢ 2023年,空间天气科学青年创新奖,个人奖项;

➢ 2022年,国家子午工程2021年度优秀成果,位次第1;

➢ 2021年,赵九章优秀中青年科技奖,个人奖项;

➢ 2021年,国家子午工程2020年度优秀成果,位次第1;

➢ 2017年,国家子午工程2016年度十大科学与应用成果,位次第1;

➢ 2014年,国际无线电联盟(URSI)“青年科学家奖”,个人奖项;

➢ 2014年,2013年度全国极地科学优秀论文“特等奖”,位次第1;

➢ 2009年,欧洲地球物理年会(EGU)“青年科学家杰出展板论文奖”,位次第1。


➢ 2023年,中国国际老员工创新大赛(原“互联网+”大赛)国家金奖,第一指导老师

➢ 2023年,国际空间科学与载荷大赛银奖(金奖空缺),第一指导老师

➢ 2023年,中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国总决赛二等奖,第一指导老师

➢ 2023年,山东省“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛金奖,第一指导老师

➢ 2021年,山东省“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛银奖,第一指导老师

➢ 2019年,国家子午工程2018年度十大科学与应用成果,指导博士生获奖;

➢ 2017年,国际无线电联盟(URSI)“青年科学家奖”,指导博士后获奖;

➢ 2016年,亚洲大洋洲地球物理年会“最佳展板论文奖”,指导博士生获奖;

➢ 2016年,第十届空间天气学研讨会“青年优秀论文奖”,指导博士生获奖;


➢ 曾牵头一个受国际空间物理研究所(ISSI-BJ)资助的由来自中国、美国、加拿大、英国、挪威等国的18名科学家和青年学者组成的国际团队。

➢ 每年在威海举办磁层-电离层-热层耦合小型国际研讨会。曾多次参加包括美国地球物理年会(AGU)、欧洲地球物理年会(EGU)、亚洲大洋洲地球物理年会(AOGS)等国际学术会议,口头宣读或展板展示了学术论文近百余篇次(包括大会或特邀报告20余个),在AOGS、SuperDARN、EISCAT等学术会议召集或主持高纬电离层专题学术会议。

➢ 与英国雷丁大学、英国皇家学会院士Michael Lockwood教授和英国卢瑟福阿普尔顿实验室Malcolm Dunlop教授和Ian McCrea教授、英国谢菲尔德大学Balan Nanan教授、美国麻省理工学院Haystack观象台John Foster教授和张顺荣研究员、美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学张永良研究员、挪威奥斯陆大学物理学院经理Joran Moen教授、挪威卑尔根大学Kjellmar Oksavik教授以及加拿大新布伦瑞克大学物理学院经理Periyadan T. Jayachandran教授等建立了很好的合作关系,共同发表了多篇研究论文。


王勇:加拿大新布伦瑞克大学  访学1年;

马羽璋:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校和麻省大学洛威尔分校  访学1年;

张端:挪威卑尔根大学   访学1年;

王进:我国台湾中央大学  访学6个月;

赵凌新:美国国家大气科学中心  访学3个月(硕士期间);

王翔宇:英国莱斯特大学   即将访学1年。

e) 主要学术任职与科普服务

➢ 任中国空间科学学会理事、子午工程用户委员会委员、子午工程II 期总体技术组成员、中国电子学会电波传播分会委员、山东省天文学会理事/太空科学与探测专业委员会主任委员等;任《地球与行星物理论评》、《电波科学学报》、《空间科学学报》、《极地研究》等期刊的编委。

➢ 在北京大学空间物理系列讲座、西安电子科技大学电波同心学术论坛、太阳成tyc33455ccwww经典十课、太阳成tyc33455ccwww科学大讲堂、太阳成tyc33455ccwww“星光学堂·双创面对面”、太阳成tyc33455ccwww同心抗疫团课等做了极光与空间天气科普讲座;组织“空间天气日”科普活动,在学校网站报道最新科研成果20余篇等。


➢ 中央政府门户网对"等离子体云块"的报道:我对极区电离层"等离子体云块"研究取得重大突破 http://www.gov.cn/gzdt/2013-04/09/content_2373060.htm

➢《Nature》对“太空台风”的报道 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00493-2

➢《中国科学报》对“太空台风”的报道  https://news.sciencenet.cn/dz/dznews_photo.aspx?id=35723

➢ 中国科学院网站对“太空台风”的报道  https://www.cas.cn/kj/202102/t20210224_4778576.shtml

➢ 新华社对“太空台风”的报道 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1693306983019274707&wfr=spider&for=pc

➢ 人民网对“太空台风”的报道 http://finance.people.com.cn/n1/2021/0305/c1004-32043438.html

➢ 维基百科收录“太空台风”词条 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_hurricane

➢《国家地理》杂志对“太空台风”的报道 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/scientists-spot-a-space-hurricane-for-the-first-time

➢ 《镜报》杂志对“太空台风”的报道 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/incredible-space-hurricanes-600-miles-23588281

➢ 《每日邮报》杂志对“太空台风”的报道 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9314247/Proving-existence-space-hurricanes-incredible-says-scientist.html

➢ BBC对“太空台风”的报道 https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/56250704.amp

➢ 美国ARTEMIS SCIENCE NUGGETS 对“太空台风”的报道 https://artemis.igpp.ucla.edu/nuggets/nuggets_2021/Zhang/Zhang_21.html

➢ 美国ARTEMIS SCIENCE NUGGETS 对“多重极光弧”的报道 http://artemis.igpp.ucla.edu/nuggets/nuggets_2020/Zhang/Zhang_20.html

➢ 光明网对“2022-2021年度赵九章科学奖”的报道 https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2021-10/12/35225739.html 

➢ 科学网对“2022-2021年度赵九章科学奖”的报道 https://news.sciencenet.cn/sbhtmlnews/2021/10/365848.shtm

➢ EGU Young Scientists Outstanding Poster Presentation (YSOPP) Award http://www.egu.eu/awards-medals/union-osp-award/2009/qinghe-zhang/



112. Wang, Xiang-Yu, Qing-He Zhang#, Chi Wang, Yong-Liang Zhang, Bin-Bin Tang, Zan-Yang Xing, Kjellmar Oksavik, Larry R. Lyons, Michael Lockwood, Qiu-Gang Zong, Guo-Jun Li, Jing Liu, Yu-Zhang Ma & Yong Wang (2023), Unusual shrinkage and reshaping of Earth’s magnetosphere under a strong northward interplanetary magnetic field. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 31. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00700-0

111. Zhang, D., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Oksavik, K.,Xu, T., Xing, Z.-Y., Lyons, L. R., et al.(2023),Do the throat auroras create polar cap patches? Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102263. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102263

110. Ma, Y.-Z., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Lyons, L.,Oksavik, K., Xing, Z.-Y., Hairston, M.,et al. (2023). A comparative study on the hot dense plasma and cold patch by using multi-instrument observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA031166. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA031166

109. Manu, V., Balan, N., Zhang, Q.-H.#, & Xing, Z.-Y. (2023). Double superposed epoch analysis of geomagnetic storms and corresponding solar wind and IMF in solar cycles 23 and 24. Space Weather, 21, e2022SW003314. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022SW003314

108. Li J.-Q., X.-Y. Xie, Q.-H. Zhang and Z.-Y. Xing (2023),Reliable measurements of low-density plasmas using a novel Langmuir probe with a guard tube, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 65, 035009.


107.Zhang, D., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Ma, Y.-Z., Oksavik, K., Lyons, L. R., Xing, Z.-Y., et al. (2022). The Dependence of Cold and Hot Patches on Local Plasma Transport and Particle Precipitation in Northern Hemisphere Winter.Geophysical Research Letters, 49(12), e2022GL098671. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098671

106. Zhao, L.-X., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Xu, T., Xing, Z.-Y., Balan, N., Wang, Y., et al. (2022). A statistical study of nighttime ionospheric NmF2 enhancement at middle-to-high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030844. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA030844.

105.Wang, Y., Jayachandran, P. T., Ma, Y.-Z., Zhang, Q.-H., Xing, Z.-Y., Ruohoniemi, J. M., et al. (2022). Dependencies of GPS Scintillation Indices on the Ionospheric Plasma Drift and Rate of Change of TEC Around the Dawn Sector of the Polar Ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 127(11), e2022JA030870. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA030870

104.Wang, Y., Themens, D. R., Wang, C., Ma, Y.-Z., Reimer, A., Varney, R., Gilies, R.,Xing, Z.-Y., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Jayachandran, P. T. (2022). Simultaneous Observations of a Polar Cap Sporadic-E Layer by Twin Incoherent Scatter Radars at Resolute. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 127(6), e2022JA030366. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA030366

103. Wang, J., Ji, W., Du, Q., Xing, Z., Xie, X., & Zhang, Q.-H.#, (2022). A Long Short-Term Memory Network for Plasma Diagnosis from Langmuir Probe Data. Sensors, 22(11), 4281. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22114281

102.Manu, V., Balan, N., Zhang, Q.-H.#, & Xing, Z.-Y. (2022). Association of the Main Phase of the Geomagnetic Storms in Solar Cycles 23 and 24 With Corresponding Solar Wind-IMF Parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 127(10), e2022JA030747. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA030747

101. Lu, S., Xing, Z.-Y., Zhang, Q.-H., Zhang, Y.-L., Ma, Y.-Z., Wang, X.-Y., et al. (2022). A statistical study of space hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9, 1047982. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspas.2022.1047982.

100. Guo, J., Wang, B., Lu, S., Lu, Q., Lin, Y., Wang, X., Wang, R., Zhang, Q.,Xing,Z., Nishimura, Y., Wu, Y. (2022). Azimuthal Motion of Poleward Moving Auroral Forms. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(16), e2022GL099753. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL099753

99. Li, J., Zhang, Q., Xing, Z., & Lu, W. (2022). Comparative studies of cold/hot probe techniques for accurate plasma measurements. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 40(3), 033001. https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0001461

98.Li, J., Xie, X., Li, S., & Zhang, Q. (2022). Reliable potential and spatial size of virtual cathode obtained by an emissive probe with accurate filament temperature in a vacuum. Vacuum, 200, 111013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2022.111013

97.Li, J.-Q., Xie, X.-Y., Zhang, Q.-H., Li, S.-H., & Lu, W.-Q. (2022). Data processing of Langmuir probe I-V traces to obtain accurate electron temperature and density in Maxwellian plasmas. Physics of Fluids, 34(6), 067115. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0097089

96. Lu, Sheng, ZanYang, Xing, ZhongXin, Deng, QingHe, Zhang, Yong, Wang, Cheng, W., et al. (2022). Modeling research on the relationship between ionospheric scintillation index and drift speed in polar ionosphere. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 65(10), 3704–3713. https://doi.org/10.6038/cjg2022Q0069

95.Xu, W.-H., Xing, Z.-Y., Balan, N., Liang, L.-K., Wang, Y.-L., Zhang, Q.-H., et al. (2022). Spectral analysis of geomagnetically induced current and local magnetic field during the 17 March 2013 geomagnetic storm. Advances in Space Research, 69(9), 3417–3425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.02.025

94.Zhang, H., Lei, B.-Y., Zhu, Z.-L., & Zhang, Q.-H. (2022). Acceleration of cold ions in magnetic reconnection. Physics of Plasmas, 29(11), 112110. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0091567


93.Zhang, Qing-He#, Yong-Liang Zhang, Chi Wang, Kjellmar Oksavik, Larry R. Lyons, Michael Lockwood, Hui-Gen Yang, Bin-Bin Tang, Jøran Idar Moen, Zan-Yang Xing, Yu-Zhang Ma, Xiang-Yu Wang, Ya-Fei Ning, and Li-Dong Xia (2021), A Space Hurricane over the Earth’s Polar Ionosphere, Nature Communications, 12, 1207, 2021. DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-21459-y.

92.Zhang, Duan, Zhang, Qing-He#, Ma, Y-Z, Oksavik, Kjellmar, Lyons, L. R., Zhang, Y-L, Nanan, Balan, Xing, Z-Y, Liu, Jing, Hairston, Marc, Wang, X-Y (2021), Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Impact on Occurrence and Spatial Size of Cold and Hot Polar Cap Patches, Geophysical Research Letters, 48(18), e2021GL094526.

91.Ma, Yu-Zhang, Qing-He Zhang#, Larry R. Lyons, Jiang Liu, Zan-Yang Xing, Ashton Reimer, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Don Hampton (2021), Is Westward Travelling Surge Driven by the Polar Cap Flow Channels? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126 (8), e2020JA028498

90.Wang, Yong, Periyadan T. Jayachandran, David R. Themens, Anthony M. McCaffrey, Qing-He Zhang#, Shiva David Richard Chadwick (2021), A Case Study of Polar Cap Sporadic-E Layer Associated with TEC Variations, Remote Sensing, 13(7), 1324; doi:10.3390/rs13071324.

89.Wang, Jin, Qing-He Zhang#, Qing-Fu Du, and Zan-Yang Xing (2021), Nonlinear Micro-current Acquisition Device Applied to Onboard Langmuir Probe Instrument, Sensors and Materials, 33 (12), 4157-4172. Doi: 10.18494/SAM.2022.3626

88.Priyadarshi, S., Q.-H. Zhang, Y. Wang (2021), Geomagnetic storm-time scintillation study in Antarctica - A comparison of model and observation, Polar Science, 28, 100634. Doi: 10.1016/j.polar.2020.100634

87.Zhang, Qiang, Liu, Yong C. M., Zhang, Q. H., Xing, Zan-Yang, Ma, Yu-Zhang (2021), Longitudinal Evolution of the Velocity of Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) in Different Phases of Magnetic Storms: SuperDARN Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126. Doi: 10.1029/2021JA029340

86.Balan, N., S. Tulasi Ram, V. Manu, Lingxin Zhao, Zan-Yang Xing, Qing-He Zhang (2021), Diurnal UT Variation of Low Latitude Geomagnetic Storms Using Six Indices, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028854.

85.Guo, Jin, San Lu, Quanming Lu, Yu Lin, Xueyi Wang, Qinghe Zhang, Zanyang Xing, Kai Huang, Rongsheng Wang, Shui Wang, Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulations of High Latitude Magnetopause Reconnection and Flux Ropes During the Northward IMF, Geophysical Research Letters, 48 e2021GL095003

84.Wang, H., Xing, Z.-Y., Balan, N., Wang, Y.-L., Zhang, Q.-H., & Liang, L.-K. (2021). Simulation and analysis of geomagnetically induced current levels in Shandong Power Grid. Space Weather, 19, e2020SW002615

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81.Jing Liu, Wenbin Wang, Alan G. Burns, Qinghe Zhang (2021), Structured Storm-Time Polar Ionosphere and Its Drivers: A Review, AGU Book: Upper Atmosphere Dynamics and Energetics, Geophysical Monograph Series 261, Edited by:Wenbin Wang, Yongliang Zhang, Larry J. Paxton, pp. 239-252, doi: 10.1002/9781119815631.ch13.

80.LIU Yingyu, XING Zanyang, FENG Huiting, CHEN Xiangcai, ZHANG Qinghe, HAN Desheng (2021). Comparative analysis of optical observation characteristics between PMAFs and throat aurora (in Chinese). Chin. J. Space Sci., 41(5): 737-745. DOI:10.11728/cjss2021.05.737


79.Zhang, Qing-He#, Yong-Liang Zhang, Chi Wang, Michael Lockwood, Hui-Gen Yang, Bin-Bin Tang, Zan-Yang Xing, Kjellmar Oksavik, Larry R. Lyons, Yu-Zhang Ma, Qiu-Gang Zong, Jøran Idar Moen, Li-Dong Xia (2020). Multiple transpolar auroral arcs reveal insight about coupling processes in the Earth’s magnetotail, Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 117(28), 16193-16198. DOI:10.1073/pnas.2000614117.

78.Zhang Qing-He#, Zan-Yang Xing, Yong Wang, and Yu-Zhang Ma (2020), Formation and Evolution of Polar Cap Ionospheric Patches and Their Associated Upflows and Scintillations: A Review, AGU Book: Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions, Geophysical Monograph 248, First Edition. Edited by Qiugang Zong, Philippe Escoubet, David Sibeck, Guan Le, and Hui Zhang, pp. 285-302, doi:10.1002/9781119509592.ch16

77.Ma, Y.‐Z., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Jayachandran, P. T., Oksavik, K., Lyons, L. R., Xing, Z.‐ Y., et al. (2020). Statistical study of the relationship between ion upflow and field-aligned current in the topside ionosphere for both hemispheres during geomagnetic disturbed and quiet time. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027538. doi:10.1029/2019JA027538.

76.Wang, Y., Zhang, Q.-H.#, Ma, Y.‐Z., Jayachandran, P. T., Xing, Z.‐Y., Balan, N., & Zhang, S.‐R. (2020). Polar ionospheric large‐scale structures and dynamics revealed by TEC keogram extracted from TEC maps. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027020. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027020

75.Goodwin, L. V., Y. Nishimura, A. J. Coster, S. Zhang, N. Nishitani, J. M. Ruohoniemi, B. J. Anderson, Q.‐H. Zhang (2020). Dayside Polar Cap Density Enhancements Formed During Substorms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA028101. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA028101

74.Nilam, B., Ram, S. T., Shiokawa, K., Balan, N., & Zhang, Q. (2020). The solar wind density control on the prompt penetration electric field and equatorial electrojet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027869. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA027869

73.Zhang, Q., Liu, Y. C.‐M., Zhang, Q.‐H., Xing, Z.‐Y., Wang, Y., & Ma, Y.‐Z. (2020), Statistical study of ion upflow associated with subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) at substorm time. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, doi: 10.1029/2019JA027163

72.Foster J. C., P. J. Erickson, B. M. Walsh, J. R. Wygant, A. J. Coster, Q.-H. Zhang, (2020) Multi-Point Observations of the Geospace Plume, AGU Book: Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions, Geophysical Monograph 248, First Edition. Edited by Qiugang Zong, Philippe Escoubet, David Sibeck, Guan Le, and Hui Zhang, pp. 264-278, doi:10.1002/9781119509592.ch14

71.Zhang, J. J., Wang, W., Wang, C., Lan, A. L., Yan, J. Y., Xiang, D., Q. H. Zhang, et al. (2020). First observation of ionospheric convection from the Jiamusi HF radar during a strong geomagnetic storm. Earth and Space Science, 7, e2019EA000911. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EA000911

70.Jing Liu, Liying Qian, Astrid Maute, Wenbin Wang, Arthur D. Richmond, Junjie Chen, Jiuhou Lei, Qinghe Zhang, Zanyang Xing (2020), Electrodynamical Coupling of the Geospace System During Solar Flares, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028569


69.Yuyan Jin, Zanyang Xing#, Qinghe Zhang#, Yong Wang, Yuzhang Ma, Polar cap patches observed by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar: A statistical study of its dependence on the solar wind and IMF conditions, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 192, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2018.01.011

68.Balan, N, Zhang, Q. H., Xing, ZY, Skoug, R, Shiokawa, K, Luhr, H, Ram, ST et al. (2019), Capability of Geomagnetic Storm Parameters to Identify Severe Space Weather. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 887(1), 51.https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab5113  

67.Balan, N., Zhang, Q.H., Shiokawa, K., Skoug, R., Xing, Z., Tulasi Ram, S., & Otsuka, Y. (2019). IpsDst of Dst storms applied to ionosphere thermosphere storms and low latitude aurora. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 9552–9565. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027080

66.Tulasi Ram, S., Nilam, B., Balan, N., Zhang, Q., Shiokawa, K., Chakrabarty, D. et al. (2019). Three different episodes of prompt equatorial electric field perturbations under steady southward IMF Bz during St. Patrick's Day storm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124 (12), 10428-10443. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027069

65.Han, D.‐S., Xu, T., Jin, Y., Oksavik, K., Chen, X.‐C., Liu, J.‐J., Q. H. Zhang, et al. (2019). Observational evidence for throat aurora being associated with magnetopause reconnection. Geophysical Research Letters, 46,7113–7120. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083593

64.Koval, A, Chen, Y, Tsugawa, A, Otsuka, Y, Shinbori, A, Nishioka, M, Brazhenko, A, Stanislavsky, A, Konovalenko, A, Zhang, QH, et al. (2019) ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 877(2), 98. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab1b52

63.Wu, Y.‐W., Liu, R.‐Y., Zhang, B.‐C., Wang, W.‐B., Zhang, S.‐R., Zhang, Q.‐H., et al. (2019). The UT variation of the polar ionosphere based on COSMIC observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124,3139–3148. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026106


62. Ma Yu-Zhang, Qing-He Zhang#, Zan-Yang Xing, Roderick A. Heelis, Kjellmar Oksavik, Yong Wang, The ion/electron temperature characteristics of polar cap classical and hot patches and their influence on ion upflow, Geophysical Research Letters, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL079099

61. Koval, A., Chen, Y., Stanislavsky, A., Kashcheyev, A., & Zhang, Q.-H. (2018). Simulation of focusing effect of traveling ionospheric disturbances on meter-decameter solar dynamic spectra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 8940–8950. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA025584

60. Ma Yu-Zhang, Qing-He Zhang#, Zan-Yang Xing, P. T. Jayachandran, J. Moen, Roderick A. Heelis, Yong Wang, Combined contribution of solar illumination, solar activity, and convection to ion upflow above the polar cap, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(5), 4317-4328, 2018.

59. Dunlop M. W., S. Haaland, X-C. Dong, H. Middleton, P. Escoubet, Y-Y. Yang, Q.-H. Zhang, J-K. Shi and C.T. Russell, Multi-point Analysis of Electric Currents in Geospace using the Curlometer Technique, Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond, Geophysical Monograph 235 (AGU Books), Edited by Andreas Keiling, Octav Marghitu, Michael Wheatland, pp. 67-80, 2018.

58. Wang Y., Q. -H. Zhang#, P. T. Jayachandran, J. Moen, Z.-Y. Xing, R. Chadwick, Y.-Z. Ma, J. M. Ruohoniemi, M. Lester, Experimental evidence on the dependence of the standard GPS phase scintillation index on the ionospheric plasma drift around noon sector of the polar ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(3), 2370-2378, 2018.

57. Xing Zanyang#, Qinghe Zhang#, Desheng Han, Yongliang Zhang, Natsuo Sato, et al. Conjugate observations of the evolution of polar cap arcs in both hemispheres,Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(3), 1794-1805, 2018,https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JA024272.

56. Priyadarshi S.#,Q.-H. Zhang#, Yuzhang Ma, Zanyang Xing, Ze-Jun Hu, Guozhu Li,The behaviors of ionospheric scintillations around different types of nightside auroral boundaries seen at the Chinese Yellow River Station, Svalbard,Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, section Space Physics, 5, 26, 2018, DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2018.00026.

55. Lei Z, Xing Z Y#, Zhang Q H, et al. The global characteristic of a magnetic crochet and some statistic results. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 61(2): 437-448, 2018, doi: 10.6038/cjg2018L0046.

54.Zhang Qinghe#, Michael Lockwood, John C. Foster, Qiugang Zong, Malcolm W. Dunlop, Shunrong Zhang, Joran Moen, Beichen Zhang, Observations of the step-like accelerating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause, Science Bulletin, 63(1), 31-37, 2018.

53. Priyadarshi, S#, Zhang, QH#, Ma, YZ. (2018), Antarctica SED/TOI associated ionospheric scintillation during 27 February 2014 geomagnetic storm. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 363(12), 262. Doi: 10.1007/s10509-018-3484-x

52. Priyadarshi S.#, Q.-H. Zhang#, E.G. Thomas, Luca Spogli and Claudio Cesaroni (2018), B-Spline Method of Polar Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Analysis and Their Associated Scintillation Behaviors at Southern Hemisphere, Advances in Space Research. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/J.ASR.2018.08.015

51. Priyadarshi S.#, Q.-H. Zhang#, Yuzhang Ma, Zanyang Xing, Ze-Jun Hu, Guozhu Li (2018), The behaviors of ionospheric scintillations around different types of nightside auroral boundaries seen at the Chinese Yellow River Station, Svalbard, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, section Space Physics, 5, 26, DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2018.00026.


50.Zhang, Q. -H.#, Y.-Z. Ma, P. T. Jayachandran, J. Moen, M. Lockwood, et al., Polar cap hot patches: Enhanced density structures different from the classical patches in the ionosphere,Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 8159–8167, 2017, doi:10.1002/2017GL073439.

49. ZHU Guangyi,XING Zanyang,ZHANG Qinghe,WANG Yong,CAO Zheng. Statistical features of ionospheric scintillation over McMurdo, Antarctica during disturbed and quiet geomagnetic conditions: a comparative analysis.Chinese Journal Of Radio Science (in Chinese), 32(4): 369-376, 2017.

48. Koval Artem, Yao Chen, Aleksander Stanislavsky,Qing-He Zhang, Traveling ionospheric disturbances as huge natural lenses: Solar radio emission focusing effect,Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122(9), 9092-9101, 2017.


47.Zhang Qing-He#, Joran Moen, Michael Lockwood, Ian McCrea, Bei-Chen Zhang, Kathryn A. McWilliams, Qiu-Gang Zong, Shun-Rong Zhang, J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Evan G. Thomas, Malcolm W. Dunlop, Rui-Yuan Liu, Hui-Gen Yang, Hong-Qiao Hu, and Mark Lester, Polar cap patch transportation beyond the classic scenario, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 9063–9074, 2016.

46. Priyadarshi S.#,Q. -H. Zhang#, Y.-Z. Ma Y. Wang and Z.-Y. Xing, Observations and modeling of ionospheric scintillations at South Pole during 6 X-Class Solar Flares in 2013,Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 5737–5751, 2016, doi:10.1002/2016JA022833.

45. Zhang Y., L. J. Paxton,Qinghe Zhang, Zanyang Xing, Polar cap arcs: Sun-aligned or cusp-aligned?,Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 146,123-128, 2016.

44. Wang Y.,Q.-H. Zhang#, P. T. Jayachadran, M. Lockwood, S.-R. Zhang, J. Moen, Z.-Y. Xing, Y.-Z. Ma and M. Lester, A comparison between large-scale irregularities and scintillations in the polar ionosphere,Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 4790–4798, 2016, doi:10.1002/2016GL069230.

43.Zhang Qing-He#, Qiu-Gang Zong, Michael Lockwood, Roderick A. Heelis, Marc Hairston, Jun Liang, Ian McCrea, Bei-Chen Zhang, Joran Moen, Shun-rong Zhang, Yong-Liang Zhang, J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Mark Lester, Evan G. Thomas, Rui-Yuan Liu, Malcolm W. Dunlop, Yong C.-M. Liu and Yu-Zhang Ma, Earth’s ion upflow associated with polar cap patches: Global and in situ observations,Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 1845–1853,2016, doi: 10.1002/2016GL067897.

42. Yang, S.-G., B.-C. Zhang, H.-X. Fang, Y. Kamide, C.-Y. Li, J.-M. Liu, S.-R. Zhang, R.-Y. Liu,Q.-H. Zhang, and H.-Q. Hu, New evidence of dayside plasma transportation over the polar cap to the prevailing dawn sector in the polar upper atmosphere for solar-maximum winter,J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 5626–5638, 2016, doi:10.1002/ 2015JA022171.


41.Zhang Qing-He#,M. Lockwood, J. C. Foster, S. -R. Zhang, B. -C. Zhang, I. W. McCrea, J. Moen, M. Lester, J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Direct observations of the full Dungey convection cycle in the polarionosphere for southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions,Journal of Geophysical Research - A: Space Physics, 120: 4519-4530, 2015.

40.Zhang Qing-He#, Zhang Bei-Chen, Yang Shen-Gao, and Wang Yong, Studies on the polar ionospheric plasma patches,The fifth volume of the Progress in space physics,edited by Shi Jian-Kui, Ye Yong-Heng, Liu Zhen-Xing,Science Press , Beijing,China, pp 352-378, 2015

39. Zhang Bei-Chen, Sheng-gao Yang, Sheng Xu, Rui-Yuan Liu, I. Häggström,Qing-He Zhang, Ze-Jun Hu, De-Hong Huang, Hong-Qiao Hu, Diurnal variation of winter F region ionosphere for solar minimum at both Zhongshan Station, Antarctica, and Svalbard Station, Arctic,Journal of Geophysical Research - A: Space Physics, 120: 9929-9942, 2015.

38. Dunlop, M. W., J.-Y. Yang, Y.-Y. Yang, C. Xiong, H. Lühr, Y. V. Bogdanova, C. Shen, N. Olsen,Q.-H. Zhang, J.-B. Cao, H.-S. Fu, W.-L. Liu, C. M. Carr, P. Ritter, A. Masson, and R. Haagmans (2015), Simultaneous field-aligned currents at Swarm and Cluster satellites.Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 3683–3691. 2015.

37. Dunlop, M. W.,Y-Y. Yang, J.-Y. Yang, H. Lühr, C. Shen, N. Olsen, P. Ritter,Q. -H. Zhang, J.-B. Cao, H-S Fu and R. Haagmans,Multi-Spacecraft Current Estimates at Swarm,Journal of Geophysical Research - A: Space Physics,120:8307-8316, 2015.


36. Yang, Sheng-Gao, Bei-Chen Zhang, Han-Xian Fang, Jun-Ming Liu,Qing-He Zhang, et al., F-lacuna at cusp latitude and its associated TEC variation,Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 12,10384-10396, 2014.

35. Yang, S. G., B. C. Zhang,Q. H. Zhang, H. X. Fang, J. M. Liu, et al., Numerical simulation of the role of dayside magnetic reconnection in polar cap patch formation,Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 57(11), 3551-3557, 2014.


34.Zhang Qing-He#, Bei-Chen Zhang, Michael Lockwood, Hong-Qiao Hu, J➢ran Moen, John M. Ruohoniemi, Evan G. Thomas, Shun-Rong Zhang, Hui-Gen Yang, Rui-Yuan Liu, Kathryn A. McWilliams, Joseph. B. H. Baker, Direct Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Ionization Patches,Science, 339, 1597-1600, 2013, DOI:10.1123/science.1231487.



33.Zhang Q. –H.#, B. –C. Zhang, H. –Q. Hu, J. Moen, M. Lockwood, I. W. McCrea, H. –G. Yang, R. –Y. Liu, S. –R. Zhang, and M. Lester, Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell,Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2918–2922, 2013, doi:10.1002_grl.50616.

32. Qiu Qi, Hui-Gen Yang, Quan-Ming Lu,Qing-He Zhang, De-Sheng Han, Ze-Jun Hu, Widths of dayside auroral arcs observed at the Chinese Yellow River Station,Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102,222-227, 2013.

31. Xing Zanyang, YANG HuiGen, HAN DeSheng, WU ZhenSen, LIU JunMing, HU ZeJun,ZHANG QingHe, HU HongQiao, LIU YongHua ,Dayside poleward moving auroral forms and ionospheric convec-tion under stable interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions,Science China Technological Sciences, 56(4): 910-916, 2013

30. Xing Zanyang, Yang Huigen, Wu Zhensen, Hu Zejun, Liu Jingming,Zhang Qinghe, Hu Hongqiao, Statistical study of auroral emissions and particle precipitation near magnetic noon at the Yellow River Station,Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese), 56(7), 2163-2167, 2013

29. Wu Ye-wen, Rui-yuan Liu, Bei-chen Zhang, Zhen-sen Wu, Hongqiao Hu, Shun-rong Zhang,Qing-he Zhang, Jun-ming Liu, F. Honary, Multi-instrument observations of plasma features in the Arctic ionosphere during the main phase of a geomagnetic storm in December 2006,Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, In Press, 2013.

28. Zhong J., Z.Y. Pu, M.W. Dunlop, Y.V. Bogdanova, X.G. Wang, C.J. Xiao, R.L. Guo, H. Hasegawa, J. Raeder, X.Z. Zhou, V. Angelopoulos, Q.G. Zong, S.Y. Fu, L. Xie, M.G.G.T. Taylor, C. Shen, J. Berchem,Q.H. Zhang, M. Volwerk and J.P. Eastwood, Three-dimensional magnetic flux rope structure formed by multiple sequential X-line reconnection at the magnetopause,Journal of Geophysical Research,118, 1904-1911, 2013

27. 张清和#,极区电离层等离子体云块的形成和演化,科学(上海),65(6),2013


26.Zhang Q. -H.#, M. W. Dunlop, M. Lockwood, B. Lavraud, Y. V. Bogdanova, et al. Inner plasma structure of the low latitude reconnection layer,Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A08205, 2012.

25.ZHANG QingHe#, RuiYuan LIU, HuiGen YANG, HongQiao HU, BeiChen ZHANG, et al. SuperDARN CUTLASS Finland radar observations of high-latitude magnetic reconnections under northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 55(5), 1207-1216, 2012.

24. XING Zanyang, YANG Huigen, HAN Desheng, WU Zhensen, LIU Junming, HU Zejun,ZHANG Qinghe, LIU Yonghua, ZHANG Beichen, HU Hongqiao, Simultaneous optical and radar observations of poleward moving auroral forms under different IMF conditions,Advances in Polar Science, 23(4), 204-210, 2012.

23. Xing Z. Y., H. G. Yang, D. S. Han, Z. S. Wu, Z. J. Hu,Q. H. Zhang, Y. Kamide, H. Q. Hu, B. C. Zhang, J. M. Liu, D. H. Huang, Poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) observed at the Yellow River Station: A statistical study of its dependence on the solar wind conditions,Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-terrestrial Physics, 86, 25-33, 2012


22.Zhang Q. –H.#, B. –C. Zhang, R. –Y. Liu, M. W. Dunlop, M. Lockwood, et al. On the importance of interplanetary magnetic field |By| on polar cap patch formation,Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A05308, 2011.

21. Dunlop M. W.,Q. -H. Zhang, Y. V. Bogdanova, M. Lockwood, Z. Pu, et al., Extended magnetic Reconnection across the dayside magnetopause,Physical Review Letters, 107(2), 025004, 2011.

20.Zhang Q. –H.#, M. W. Dunlop, R. –Y. Liu, H. –Q. Hu, J. –Y. Huang, et al. Coordinated Cluster/Double star and ground-based observations of dayside reconnection signatures on 11 February 2004,Annales Geophysicae, 29(10), 1827-1847, 2011.

19.Zhang Q.-H.#, M. W. Dunlop, M. Lockwood, R. Holme, Y. Kamide, et al. The distributions of Ring Current: Cluster observations, Annales Geophysicae, 29(9), 1655-1662, 2011.

18. Dunlop, M. W.,Q.-H. Zhang, Y. V. Bogdanova, K. J. Trattner, Z. Pu, H. Hasegawa, J. Berchem, M. G. G. T. Taylor, M. Volwerk, J. P. Eastwood, B. Lavraud, C. Shen, J. K. Shi, J. Wang, D. Constantinescu, A. N. Fazakerley, H. Frey, D. Sibeck, P. Escoubet, J. A. Wild, Z. X. Liu and C. Carr, Magnetopause reconnection across wide local time, Annales Geophysicae, 29(9), 1683-1697, 2011.

17. Dunlop, M.W., R. Bingham, S. Chapman, P. Escoubet,Q. -H. Zhang, C. Shen, J-K Shi, Z-Y. Pu, J. de-Keyser, R. Trines, S. Schwartz, Z.-X. Liu, Use Of Multi-Point Analysis And Modelling To Address Cross-Scale Coupling In Space Plasmas: Lessons From Cluster,Planetary and Space Science, 59(7), 630-638, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2010.06.014

16. Liu, J. J., H. Q. Hu, D. S. Han, T. Araki, Z. J. Hu,Q. H. Zhang, H. G. Yang, N. Sato, A. S. Yukimatu, and Y. Ebihara, Decrease of auroral intensity associated with reversal of plasma convection in response to an interplanetary shock as observed over Zhongshan station in Antarctica,Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A03210, 2011

15. Shen, C., M. Dunlop, Y. H. Ma, Z. Q. Chen, G. Q. Yan, Z. X. Liu, Y. V. Bogdanova, D. G. Sibeck, C. M. Carr,Q. H. Zhangand E. Lucek, The magnetic configuration of the high-latitude cusp and dayside magnetopause under strong magnetic shears, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A09228, 2011.

14. Volwerk, M., J. Berchem, Y. V. Bogdanova, O. D. Constantinescu, M. W. Dunlop, J. P. Eastwood, P. Escoubet, A. N. Fazakerley, H. Frey, H. Hasegawa, B. Lavraud, E. V. Panov, C. Shen, J. K. Shi, M. G. G. T. Taylor, J. Wang, J. A. Wild,Q. H. Zhang, O. Amm, and J. M. Weygand, Interplanetary magnetic field rotations followed from L1 to the ground: the response of the Earth's magnetosphere as seen by multi-spacecraft and ground-based observations, Annales Geophysicae, 29(9), 1549-1569, 2011


13.Zhang Q.-H.#, M. W. Dunlop, M. Lockwood, R. –Y. Liu, H. –Q. Hu, H. –G. Yang, et al. Simultaneous observations of reconnection pulses at Cluster and their effects on the cusp aurora seen at Chinese Yellow River Station, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A10237, 2010.

12.Zhang Q. -H.#, Dunlop M. W., Holme R., and Woodfield E. E. Comparison of eight years magnetic field data from Cluster with Tsyganenko models in the inner magnetosphere. Annales Geophysicae, 28(1), 309-326, 2010.

11. Dunlop, M.W.,Q. -H., Zhang, R. Holme, and E.E. Woodfield, Behaviour of Ring Current and field-aligned currents from eight years of magnetic field data from Cluster, ESA publications, EOP-SM/2080, proc. ESA's second SWARM international science meeting, WPP-303, S4-1, 2010.

10. Hasegawa, H., J. Wang, M. W. Dunlop, Z. Y. Pu,Q. -H. Zhang, B. Lavraud, M. G. G. T. Taylor, O. D. Constantinescu, J. Berchem, V. Angelopoulos, J. P. McFadden, H. U. Frey, E. V. Panov, M. Volwerk, and Y. V. Bogdanova, Evidence for a flux transfer event generated by multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L16101, 2010.


9. Dunlop M. W.,Zhang, Q. H., Xiao C. J., He J. S., Pu Z. Y., et al. Reconnection at High Latitude: Antiparallel Merging,Physical Review Letters, 102, 075005, 2009.

8.Zhang Qing-He#,Liu R. Y., Huang J. Y., Dunlop M. W., Hu H. Q., Hu Z. J., Bogdanova Y. V., Walsh A. Simultaneous TC-1 and Cluster observations of FTEs on 13 March 2004,Chinese Journal of Space Science(in Chinese), 2009, 29 (2): 166-174.

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6. Hasegawa H., McFadden J. P., Bogdanova Y. V., Wang J., Constantinescu O. D., Dunlop M. W., Takada T., Frey H. U., Lavraud B.,Zhang Q.-H., Pu Z. Y., Fazakerley A. N., Panov E. V., Volwerk M., Shen C., Shi J.K., Glassmeier K.-H., and Angelopoulos V. Boundary layer plasma flows from high-latitude reconnection in the summer hemisphere for northward IMF: THEMIS multi-point observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(L15107), 2009.


5.Zhang Q. -H.#, Liu R. Y., Dunlop M. W., Huang J. Y., Hu H. Q., Lester M., Liu Y. H., Hu Z. J., Shi Q. Q., and Taylor M.G. G. T. Simultaneous tracking of reconnected flux tubes: Cluster and conjugate SuperDARN observations on 1 April 2004. Annales Geophysicae. 26(6). 1545-1557, 2008.

4.ZHANG Qing-He#, LIU Rui-Yuan, HUANG Ji-Ying, M W Dunlop, HU Hong-Qiao, HU Ze-Jun, Bogdanova Y V and Lester M. Simultaneous Cluster and CUTLASS observations of FTEs on 11 February 2004. Chinese Journal of Geophysics.2008, 51(1). 1-11.

3. Dunlop M. W., Taylor M. G. G. T., Bogdanova Y. V., Shen C., Pitout F., Pu Z. Y., Davies J.,Zhang Q. -H., Wang J., Lavraud, B., Fazakerley, A. N., Owen, C. J., Laakso, H., Zong, Q. -G., Liu, Z.-X., Escoubet, C. P., Carr, C. M., and Rème, H. Energization in the electron boundary layer: Cluster/Double star observations at high and low latitude, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(A07S19): 0148-0227, 2008.


2.Zhang Qing-He#,Liu R. Y., Huang J. Y., Dunlop M. W.,Hu H. Q., Shen C., Bogdanova Y. V. Characteristics of the magnetic flux transfer events on 1 April 2004, Chinese Journal of Polar Research(in Chinese), 19, 2, 121-130, 2007.


Zhang Qing-He#, Liu R. Y., Huang J. Y., Liu Y. H., Xu Z. H. Cluster observations of magnetic field disturbances caused by FACs in the mid-altitude cusps, Chinese Journal of Polar Research(in Chinese), 18(3): 175-184, 2006.



20.Zhang Q. -H., et al., A Statistical Investigation of Plasmaspheric Plasma by Using Global GPS TEC Data, The 14th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) annual meeting, Aug. 6-11, 2017, Singapore. (Invited talk)

19.Zhang Q. -H., et al., Dayside Plasma Blob: A Different High-Density Structure from Patches in the Polar Cap,The 14th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) annual meeting, Aug. 6-11, 2017, Singapore.

18.Zhang Q. -H., et al., Polar cap hot patches: Enhanced density structures different from the classical patches in the ionosphere, AGU Chapman Conference, July 9-14, 2017, Chengdu. (Invited talk)

17.Zhang Q. -H., et al., Polar cap hot patches: Enhanced density structures different from the classical patches in the ionosphere, SuperDARN international workshop 2017, June 4-9, 2017, Roma, Italy. (Invited talk)

16.Zhang Q. -H., et al., The evolution characteristics of polar patches in the nightside ionosphere: multi-instrument observations, The 18th EISCAT Symposium, May 26-31. 2017, Tokyo, Japan. (Invited talk)

15.Zhang Q. -H., et al., Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches:global and in-situ observations, The 13th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) annual meeting, July 31-Aug. 5, 2016, Beijing.

14.Zhang Qing-He, Qiu-Gang Zong, M. Lockwood, et al., Earth’s ion upflow associated with polar cap patches: Global and in situ observations, AOGS2016, July 31-August 5, 2016, Beijing, China. (Invited talk)

13.Zhang Qing-He, Joran Moen, M. Lockwood, et al., Polar cap Ionization Patch: A life Cycle of Evolution beyond a classic scenario, AOGS2016, July 31-August 5, 2016, Beijing, China (As the main convener of the high-latitude ionosphere session).

12.Zhang Qing-He, Qiu-Gang Zong, M. Lockwood, et al., Earth’s ion upflow associated with polar cap patches: Global and in situ observations, SuperDARN International Workshop 2016, May 29-June 3, 2016 Alaska, USA.

11.Zhang Q.H.,Wang Y., P. T. Jayachandran, A large scale comparison between irregularities and scintillations in polar ionosphere, SuperDARN International Workshop 2016, May 29-June 3, 2016 Alaska, USA.

10.Zhang Qing-He,M. Lockwood, J. C. Foster, et al., Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause, Japan Geosciences union 2016, May 22-26, 2016, Chiba, Japan.

9.Zhang Qing-He, M. Lockwood, J. C. Foster, et al., Direct observations of the full Dungey convection cycle in the polar ionosphere for southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions, AOGS2015, August 2-7, 2015, Singapore.

8.Zhang Qing-He, M. Lockwood, J. C. Foster, et al., Direct observations of the full Dungey convection cycle in the polar ionosphere for southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions, Japan Geosciences union 2015, May 24-28, 2015, Chiba, Japan.(Invited talk)

7.Zhang Qing-He, et al., Recent Progress in the Studies of Polar cap Ionization Patches (poster), URSI GASS 2014, August 16-23, 2014, Beijing, China.

6.Zhang Qing-He, Bei-Chen Zhang, J. Moen, et al., Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell, AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, December 9-14, 2013, San Francisco, USA

5.Zhang Qing-He, Bei-Chen Zhang, M. Lockwood, et al., Direct observation of the Evolution of Polar cap Ionization Patches (poster), AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, December 9-14, 2013, San Francisco, USA.

4.Zhang Qing-He, Bei-Chen Zhang, Michael Lockwood, et al., Direct Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Ionization Patches, Chinese Physics Society (CPS) 2013 Fall meeting, September 12 -15, 2013, Xiamen, China.(Invited talk)

3.Zhang Q.H., B.–C. Zhang, J. Moen, et al., Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 10th Annual Meeting, June 24 -28, 2013, Brisbane, Australia. (Poster, As a main convener of the high-latitude ionosphere session)

2.Zhang Qing-He, Bei-Chen Zhang, Michael Lockwood, et al., Direct Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Ionization Patches, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 10th Annual Meeting, June 24 -28, 2013, Brisbane, Australia. (As a main convener of the high-latitude ionosphere session)

1.Zhang Q.H., B.–C. Zhang, R.–Y. Liu, et al. On the importance of IMF |BY| on polar cap patch formation, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 8th Annual Meeting, August 8 -12, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, CHINA. (As a co-convener of the high-latitude ionosphere session)



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